Northlands Business Park The Angus Minis Building, Unit 12 Angus Crescent, Erf 409 Hoogland

Unloading, feeding, conveying, storage, security sieving and drum filling of lactose

Unloading, feeding, conveying, storage, secUrity sieving and drUm filling of lactose

Subject Expansion of the existing facility in Nörten-Hardenberg to enable the production of Direct Compression Lactose (DCL). Gericke Technology A Gericke Pulse Flow transport vessel type PTA 80 conveys the raw material from big bags to a feeding hopper. The Gericke Vibrating Bin Activator TXF 900 and Rotaval HDER 200 rotary valve control the discharging […]

Mixing and Filling system For yolk egg powder

Mixing and Filling systeM For yolk egg powder

Subject To improve the handling and application characteristics of yolk powder. Filling of drums and big bags. Client Adriaan Goede (NL). Process After drying the egg yolk is homogenised in a centrifugal sifter. A special vacuum conveying system is lifting the very difficult flowing powder to a weighing hopper. Feeding with RA bin discharger into […]

Disk Fluidizer for Dry Bulk Tank Trailers


Solimar’s Disk Fluidizer System Provides Aeration & Vibration for Fast, Efficient Unloading of Dry Bulk Materials Reliability: Solimar’s Disk Fluidizer works effectively to provide aeration, vibration & directional airflow required for rapid unloading of dry bulk trailers & containers. Easy to Install, Clean & Maintain: Unlike fabric pads that plug or wear out & have […]